I want a Workplace, that’s Injury Free.
And if that’s going to happen, then it’s up to me.
I must, take the time, with each task I do,

To look for the hazards, and think the job through.
To check the procedures and follow them all,
And reject taking shortcuts, no matter how small.
When I walk through the workplace,
I must stay alert

To watch for those things, that could get people hurt.

And if I see a hazard, I won’t rest until.
I have made the thing safe, or know someone will.
I must question each unsafe behavior I see,
And encourage all others, to do that for me.
I must always give safety, the best I can do.
And expect that performance of all others too.
I must always remember to let people see,
That their safe behavior is important to me.

Every act is important, no matter how small.

For the safety of one, is the safety of all
We can all have a workplace that’s injury free
If we each one commit, to Making It Be,
If we all do our part, and each of us see,
If it’s Going to Happen, Then It’s Up to Me.

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