Our hands are our connection to the world. Typing an e-mail, playing a game with a child, work, sports, music – all require dexterity in our hands, wrists and arms.
Still, we rarely think about our hands, until they begin to hurt, go numb, or stop moving so well.
Such hand trouble can have a number of causes, including arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. All can produce pain or numbness, although each has a very different cause and course of treatment.
Hand problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis (tendonitis), and epicondylitis are some of the most commonly occurring work-related injuries. A severe injury can impact job, leisure, and self-care function and cause debilitating pain. One in ten of us will be affected.
As you browse the site, you will find information on injuries and injury prevention, ergonomics, exercise and personal wellness that you can implement immediately and at no cost. These are the pearls of wisdom collected over the years from clinical experience and client suggestions.
Hand Pain and Problems
What are some common hand problems?
There are many common hand problems that can interfere with activities of daily living, including:
- ganglion cysts
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- tendinitis of the wrist
- arthritis of the hand
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- trigger finger
These symptoms can be particularly noticed in the thumb, index finger, and middle finger. This can make it hard to grip objects.
The discomfort occurs when swelling presses against the median nerve. The median nerve controls sensation and muscle impulses in the thumb and fingers.
If you have fractured a finger, for example, you may be unable to move it fully. You might also notice that the injured finger is swollen and in some cases slightly shorter than normal.
There are several types of fractures:
- simple
- complex
- comminuted
- compound
The internet provides a tremendous amount of information and misinformation. Our goal is to consolidate and provide quality information, product suggestions and links to helpful sites for those dealing with hand injuries. This information is not a substitute for professional medical care. Please do not use it as such.